我们不断评估材料、程序和过程,并使之符合最新标准。此外,我们在全球各地的所有工厂都接受质量认证。我们通过了IATF 16949、ISO 14001、ISO 45001和ISO 9001标准以及AEO(授权经济运营商)指南的认证。


汽车行业对产品质量的要求很高。因此,质量部门的员工已经参与到新项目的调查中,以确保在早期阶段便可满足客户的要求。 同时,赫尔思曼汽车技术非常重视对质量专家的全面培训。这就是在公平竞争中,我们也能让客户满意的原因。
Simulation of dynamic loads as sine vibration, random vibration and shock simulation coming from engines directly or from the the usage of parts in automotive vehicles.
"Look into the Detail" - down to the micrometer range for the analysis of surface contaminations, abrasion or fractographic analyses.
Cross-Section analysis to evaluate the quality of welding joints, soldering joints or other metallic connections.
Vacuum tests with helium or negative/positive pressure tests with air for leakage analysis.
High-resolution resistance measurements, insulation resistance tests, high-current load simulations; high-voltage resistance tests.
Grafical “hot-spot” analysis to identify the critical areas in high current load applications.
Simulate environmental loads as temperature shock tests, heat or cold tests, salt-spray tests, fluid shock simulation.
Non-destructive damaged part analysis or measurement of components.
Mechanical analyses for push/pull forces to assess the fracture behavior or the mechanical strength of components.

Matthias Bell
Matthias Bell, 质量总监
位于塔尔古穆雷市的新 技术清洁区
New Technical Cleaniness Area | in Târgu Mureș