底特律电池展: 我们希望在那里见到您。

10 月 7 日至 10 日, 欢迎莅临我们在底特律市中心举行的电池展暨电动车和混合动力车博览会 A-C 厅 906 号展台。了解在汽车领域为电动汽车提供的先进解决方案,并与我们的行业专家进行交流。 我们将在 A-C 展厅 906 号展位展示我们的最新创新产品。


我们非常高兴地欢迎Dennis Bräutigam成为赫尔思曼汽车技术管理团队的新成员!他在冲压和成型技术领域拥有超过 24 年的经验,他将为集团在冲压成型领域带来丰富的知识和强烈的创新热情。

electronica China: 在上海举行的一次国际电气工业贸易展览会

行业领先的电子元器件、系统、应用和解决方案展览会—慕尼黑电子展(electronica China)将于 7 月 8 日至 10 日在上海举行,我们将作为展商参展。这是亚洲电气行业最重要的展会之一,汇集了业内全球领先的企业。想进一步了解我们在高低压应用、冲压方面的产品以及其他有趣的创新突破。从周一开始,欢迎莅临上海浦东新国际博览中心 N4.4618 号展位,与我们的专家会面!







The Great Place To Work®认证

我们在圣米格尔、凯尼特拉、南通和塔尔古穆雷斯的工厂已成功获得 Great Place To Work® 认证,目前他们是集团内首批获得该认证的工厂。


"今天,我们庆祝世界各地妇女的力量、决心和韧性"。- 米歇尔-奥巴马 国际妇女节快乐

同舟共济: 我们为摩洛哥开展捐款活动



赫尔思曼汽车技术正满怀信心地从多方面着手,力争到 2050 年实现二氧化碳净零排放。



Angelo Holzknecht先生成为赫尔思曼汽车技术集团新任首席执行官(CEO)

根据最新的董事会决议,Angelo Holzknecht先生将担任首席执行官一职。我们很高兴,作为一家国际化的汽车供应商,能够在自己的团队中队伍任命这一决策者职位。


2023年2月20日,Adrian Low先生正式履新赫思曼汽车技术(南通)有限公司,担任中国公司总经理。即日起,他将全面负责赫思曼汽车技术集团在亚太市场的业务和运营。

Making Apprenticeships Future-Proof

Qualified specialists are the basis for competitive companies and make a lasting contribution to the success of a company. We always strives to meet the goals of an excellent training company and to offer our apprentices the best possible training. 

Today, we have apprentice programs at every plant to develop the young talents of tomorrow. 

At Hirschmann Automotive, it is a pleasure and a daily task for us to shape our young "diamonds in the rough" into sought-after specialists. We will continue to do so in the future. Many thanks to our trainers and those involved in the apprenticeship program for their dedication and commitment in shaping the youngsters.


To become a fully trained expert six of our toolmaking apprentices have taken their final apprenticeship exams, including Magdalena Raffeiner and Jerry-Lee Miller. Maximilian Baur as well as Patrick Welte have succeeded with a good success. Michelle Benzer and Fatih Caliskan succeeded as well.

Plastics & Process Engineering

Our two youngsters have taken their final apprenticeship exams, Nadja Grundböck in Plastics Engineering and Florian Stieger in Process Engineering.

Operational Logisitcs Professional

We would like to congratulate our two Operational Logistics Professional Apprentices on completing their apprenticeships. Both have passed with distinction.

Electrical Engineering

Three of our electrical engineering apprentices have passed their final apprenticeship exams to become fully-fledged specialists. Florian Wiesenegger passed with good results. Leon Deschler passed with distinction and Musa Türkmen also passed.

Plastics Engineering

Our plastics engineering apprentice, Manuel Frenzel, has passed his final apprenticeship exam with good results and has now become a fully-fledged specialist. 
